WASC System Accreditation is a model process designed to evaluate and certify the overall quality and effectiveness of an entire education system and affiliated schools, recognizing the shared set of resources each school leverages, and helps the system assess levels of effectiveness in supporting their schools through defined performance criteria.
The System Accreditation protocol offers an exciting opportunity for the system of schools to manage resources more effectively and efficiently within the accreditation process and to strengthen the all-important interface between individual schools and the Central Office.

- WASC System Accreditation process accomplishes the WASC Focus on Learning self-study for schools connected through an Education Management Group (EMG) or System, operating under a common mission and purpose, supported through a comprehensive set of shared resources.
- The process recognizes the unifying components of education systems and focuses on consistency and quality of aligned resources supporting each school and their local communities served by their schools.
- Maximizes WASC and system group resources to reduce repetition and redundancy.
- Results in one system self-study report accounting for all schools.
- Streamlines the self-study visit into one system focused visit.
- Strengthens accreditation support given to system administration.
- Recognizes the individuality and supports needed at each school site.
- Ensures greater consistency in accreditation across system schools.
- Follows the WASC self-study expectations from a system perspective.
- One self-study visit for all system schools.
- Results in one system self-study report for all schools.
- Self-study outcomes result in one set of improvement recommendations.
Eligibility for WASC System Accreditation requires an organization to meet specific criteria:
- The organization must foster a shared mission and purpose that unites and guides its schools.
- The organization’s leadership, whether the CEO, Executive Director, or another established leadership structure, is pivotal in overseeing the accreditation process.
- The organization is guided by a strategic plan or other improvement-planning document.
- The system of schools is a legal entity operating a cluster of three or more schools across geographic locations, cities, or states.
- The system of schools maintains a centralized set of educational services supporting their schools, such as curriculum, instruction, assessment, and fiscal and administrative support.
- Note: Public school districts, WASC affiliates, or and dioceses are not eligible for system accreditation.
WASC determines final approval of eligibility for an organization to implement the System Accreditation model. A WASC representative will consult with each organization seeking to implement this model to determine eligibility based on eligibility definitions and its organizational structure.
Fee Schedule
System Accreditation Flat Rate Fees for Schools
Application Fees:
$1200 Flat Fee for 5-9 school Sites/Centers
$1400 Flat Fee for 10-19 School Sites/Centers
$1900 Flat Fee for 20-39 School Sites/Centers
$2400 Flat Fee for 40-59 School Sites/Centers
$3000 Flat Fee for 60 Plus School Sites/Centers
Initial Visit Fee:
$3000 Flat Fee for 5-9 School Sites/Centers
$3500 Flat Fee for 10-19 School Sites/Centers
$4000 Flat Fee for 20-39 School Sites/Centers
$4500 Flat Fee for 40-59 School sites/Centers
$5000 Flat Fee for 60 Plus School Sites/Centers
Annual Fee:
$900 Annual Fee per School Site/Center
School System will reimburse committee members directly for Self-Study expenses
System Accreditation Flat Rate Fee for SEPs
Application Fee:
- $ 800 Flat Fee for 5-9 Centers/Branches
- $1000 Flat Fee for 10-19 Centers/Branches
- $1500 Flat Fee for 20-39 Centers/Branches
- $2000 Flat Fee for 40-59 Centers/Branches
- $2500 Flat Fee for 60 plus Centers/Branches
Initial Visit Fee:
- $2000 Flat Fee for 5-9 Centers/Branches
- $2500 Flat Fee for 10-19 Centers/Branches
- $3000 Flat Fee for 20-39 Centers/Branches
- $3500 Flat Fee for 40-59 Centers/Branches
- $4000 Flat Fee for 60 plus Centers/Branches
Annual Fee:
$700 Annual Fee Per Branch/ Center

Brian Jensen
For more information, contact Brian Jensen at bjensen@acswasc.org