Accrediting Commission for Schools

Supplementary Education Programs (SEPs)

A Supplementary Education Program (SEP) is a non-degree, non-diploma granting organization that offers programs of instruction or education services designed for elementary, secondary age students, or adults seeking educational development in one or more areas.

The Significance of WASC Accreditation for SEPs:

  • Validates the supplementary education program.

  • Gives students, families and communities confidence that the supplementary education program has quality resources for all students and staff.

  • It is a review process that strengthens the program through the lens of experienced educators.

  • Creates a roadmap for the continuous improvement cycle.

  • Celebrates areas of strength and focuses on area of growth.

  • Staff collaborates through the self-study process. 

  • Provides staff time to reflect on the SEPs mission and vision and what is best for all students.

WASC provides:

  • Supplementary education programs with a WASC Advisor throughout their self-study journey.

  • A personalized approach.

  • A systematic framework to guide SEPs in their continuous improvement cycle.

  • Tools for SEPs to use throughout the self-study process and beyond.

Fee Schedule

Application Fee: $160

Nonrefundable Initial Visit Fee: $850

Annual Membership Fees

For System Accreditation Membership fees, please contact Elizabeth Oberreiter (

Elizabeth Oberreiter

Vice President, Domestic Accreditation
Liz has over 36 years of experience in education and has served in various capacities from classroom teacher to CEO of an online educational organization and now as Vice President of Domestic Accreditation. Her background in public, private, religious, and charter schools has assisted ACS WASC in building bridges with schools and visiting committees. Liz’s experience has helped schools in strategic planning, recruitment, curriculum, instruction, marketing, and data analysis. Her knowledge of the WASC process has helped schools understand school improvement, increasing student achievement, and using the schoolwide learner outcomes as a tool for teaching and learning. Her passion for the WASC process is evident during accreditation visits as well as in her interactions with colleagues, schools, and educators.

Brian Jensen

Brian Jensen has worked at WASC since 2017. He currently serves as a Director supporting schools and visiting committee teams through all aspects of the accreditation process including initial accreditation, mid-cycle, and self-study processes. He has over 20 years of experience working in both secondary and higher education including online, private, and alternative education schools.
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