Teresa Schwabauer
Terri Schwabauer represents the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA) on the WASC Commission. She began her career in education as a parent volunteer at a Catholic elementary school in Northern California where she was eventually employed as the school secretary, teacher, and then principal. Terri served as principal for fifteen years in two North State Catholic schools and currently serves the Diocese of Sacramento as Regional Director and Accreditation Officer for elementary and secondary schools. In addition to her teaching credential, Terri holds an Administrative Services Credential, an MA in Education, and a BA in Psychology.
As principal, Terri thoroughly enjoyed working with students, teachers, and parents. Though she misses those interactions, she now loves collaborating with principals in all aspects of accreditation, including those principals at the schools in which she serves as a visiting committee chair. In her spare time, Terri enjoys gardening and spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren.