Gregory Hedger, Ed.D.
Dr. Gregory Hedger has been Director of The International School Yangon, in Myanmar, since 2016. A native of Minnesota in the U.S., Dr. Hedger has served in educational leadership positions for 20 years in the role of school director at Cayman International School, at Qatar Academy, in Doha, and as superintendent at Escuela Campo Alegre in Venezuela. He also served as elementary school principal in Karachi, Pakistan. Prior to his leadership positions, Greg taught sixth grade in his hometown in Edina, Minnesota, grades one and six in Romania, and middle school social studies and English in Indonesia.
Dr. Hedger also taught Theory of Knowledge (TOK) at the high school level. Greg has been involved in international education through his service on the boards of Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE), the East Asia Regional Copuncil of Schools (EARCOS), the Association of American Schools in South America (AASSA), The Dubose Foundation, the American Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar, and his work with the International Task Force for Child Protection, his contributions to various periodicals, and his work to promote the next generation of leaders through workshops and teaching. Greg has taught several university courses, including site-based leadership, an introduction to leadership, and several other courses for SUNY’s international educator’s master’s program, and strategies for change in international schools for Endicott College. In 2019, Greg was awarded a Klingenstein Fellowship through Teachers College at Columbia University. Greg and his wife, Kirstin, have four children, Kaija, Sadie, Anna, and Max.