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Ongoing Process: Private Schools

The Accrediting Commission for Schools, WASC, accredits private schools throughout the region. WASC also works collaboratively with a variety of private school associations. Separate agreements exist with respect to the use of protocols and the procedures.

The schools utilize either

  • the WASC Focus on Learning protocol
  • a jointly developed modification of the WASC Focus on Learning document
  • a nationally or locally developed protocol that has been approved by the WASC Commission.
However, all jointly accredited schools follow the same overall processes with respect to the following: initial visits, full action-up/action plan, reviews/mid-term reviews/written progress reports/special visits/ and substantive change visits.

Private schools in the Pacific Islands also refer to the Accreditation Handbook for Schools in the Pacific Islands. The handbook annually describes the philosophy and basic accreditation procedures; this handbook also includes the current list of accredited Pacific Island schools and shows their subsequent schedule of reports and visits.

With respect to private international schools in the East Asia or EARCOS region, WASC has created a separate division on the website. (see Ongoing Process: International for more information regarding EARCOS).

Below is a list of materials for various aspects of the accreditation process and websites for the numerous associations working collaboratively with WASC.

  Initial Visit
  Full Self-Study
  Follow-up: Ongoing Accreditation Process
Private schools follow the same procedures, dependent upon the term of accreditation that they have received. Appropriate directions can be found in the following documents.
  Associations: Joint Process
Below is the list of websites for the numerous associations working collaboratively with WASC. Note: the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA) does not have a separate website and their protocols are found along with the resource under Full Self/Study Visit.
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