To further guide our work, the ACS WASC Commission, composed of thirty-five members representing the various constituencies of WASC, has adopted an Equity Statement at the recent April 2021 Commission Meeting. Click here to read the WASC Equity Statement.
The Equity Statement further supports the WASC mission statement:
“ACS WASC advances and validates quality ongoing school improvement by supporting its private and public elementary, secondary, and postsecondary member institutions to engage in a rigorous and relevant self-evaluation and peer review process that focuses on student learning for all.”
This mission is built upon these beliefs: 1) a school’s goal is successful student learning for all; 2) each school has a clear purpose and schoolwide learner outcomes; and 3) for ongoing school improvement, each school engages in collaborative self-reflection and analysis to assess progress in achieving its mission, vision, and schoolwide learner outcomes. Essentially, the driving concept questions of the WASC accreditation process are:
- How well are all students learning and achieving?
- Is the school doing everything possible to value, inspire and support high achievement and well-being for all students through a continuous improvement process?
Although the WASC protocols, materials and process have already included a strong emphasis on equity, inclusion, and diversity, there will be additional review and refinements in the protocols and trainings guided by this Equity Statement.